Start Date Changes Due to the cancellations of orientations and professional development due to the recent storms, the start dates for classes have been revised. Revised start dates are listed here.
Parent Orientation-Start Dates: Updated 8-28-20 Parent Orientation Dates/Times - Computer Pick-Up; Supply Drop Off; Beginning of Year Document Pick-Up
Parent Orientations Postponed Due To Weather Parents will be notified of new dates/times as soon as they are available. Please check out website daily.
Strong Start 2020 Date Changes: First Day Virtual: August 31st; First Day 1st-3rd (On-Campus) and 4th-12th Hybrid: September 8th; First Day PreK & K: September 14th
Virtual Learning Enrollment Period Extended Can I still enroll in the VirtualLearning Program? Althoughthe window for applications hasclosed, students can still enroll inthe virtual program with theunderstanding that a laptop is notguaranteed for those enrollingafter the deadline. Please contactyour principal to enroll.
Updated Supply Lists/Uniform Policy Supply lists and uniform policy can be found under the Parent section.
Virtual Learning Meals-SignUp The St. John the Baptist Parish Public School District will be providing meals for curbside pickup to students enrolled in the Virtual Learning Program. These meals will need to be picked up at your school site at times yet to be determined by the schools. If you intend to pick up meals for your virtual student, please fill out the form by Thursday, July 30.